Chapter 8, Watching my "health" and figure.

Little did I know then, that my external feminine appearance was soon to be aided by internal feminization method that was a well kept secret by the older tresses, the administration, and especially my mother, who I later learned fully consented to it.

It started after the first month of school. A teacher said I looked pale and knew of my fainting the first day. I received a note from the school's nurse that I was scheduled for a 'routine checkup' by the physician who saw students during regular one day a week visits to the school.

I was given permission to miss the morning session of one of my girl school days. I wasn't too pleased that it was on a "girl" day rather than one of my "boy" days. Little did I know that morning would be a very significant "girl" day indeed. Somewhat defiantly I suppose, I put on extra eye makeup and wore my hair in a cascade of curly ringlets that were the result of sleeping (quite uncomfortably, I may add) on over 50 small curlers which I spent an hour winding into my hair before bedtime. I had made the extra effort of shaving my legs and underarms smooth as well. No doctor's appointment was going to spoil what had now become fun!

When I arrived at the nurse's office, I found one other student sitting in the waiting room. I caught him looking at me rather strangely, so I smiled and said, "Hi, been waiting long?"

"UH. . .no . . I mean about 10 minutes." He seemed quite flustered, and I saw that he was blushing! Didn't he realize that I was a boy like him? He was acting like a shy boy meeting a pretty girl!! I had mixed feelings, but I decided to test him out?

"You're in first year aren't you?" I asked.

"Y-Y-Yes. I didn't know that girls would be coming over to our school for these appointments. Doesn't the doctor go over there in the afternoon?", he replied. I couldn't believe it! Didn't he recognize me as a boy?! Just as I was about to reveal his mistake, the nurse opened the door and motioned him to enter.

As he stood up, he said to me in a hushed voice so the nurse wouldn't hear, "My name is Paul. I wish we had more time to talk. I think you're very pretty." I don't know who was blushing more now, me or him!

Then, almost as if in a trance, I heard my self whisper back, "Thank you, Paul. My name is Catherine. I'm sure we'll be meeting again."

About fifteen minutes later, the door opened again and Paul exited. We gave each other nervous smiles as I demurely stood up, straightened my short skirt and entered the doctor's office. Dr. Green turned


out to be a woman. I guess most people still assume that a doctor is usually a man, but knowing this school's approach to things I should have guessed. "Hello. My name is Dr. Green, you must be Kenny Fleming. What do you call yourself on these kinds of days?" she said smiling while giving me 'the once over' look.

"UH...Ken,...well, Catherine, I guess."

"Fine, Catherine it is. Can I call you Cathy?”

"Sure, if you like." She seemed quite pleasant, and who cares, Mike frequently called me Cathy or just Cath.

"Well, Cathy...

...would you mind stepping over to the examining table and removing your dress and lingerie please." Slowly I removed my shoes, skirt and pantihose. Next the neckerchief came off, then the blouse was unbuttoned. Suddenly I felt very embarrassed to be seen in my bra and panties by this woman. But she was a doctor, and I lacked real choice. Finally, the underwear came off and I was completely naked and exposed in front of this attractive woman. Now I felt scared, and strange pretending to be a girl, with long, feminine hair, makeup, and nail polish. It is easier when everyone who looks at you thinks you are a girl (like Paul had moments ago). However, standing there naked, I was very obviously a young boy with a girl's face, hair, legs and hands.

"My, you have a very nice slim body Cathy." Dr. Green commented as her hands probed around my waist and chest. I turned many shades of red as Dr. Green proceeded to give me a very thorough physical exam. She was gentle, yet methodical as she touched, poked, all the areas of my body. She seemed to spend more than enough time examining my maleness. Finally, she seemed finished.

Referring to a file folder she spoke, "Well Cathy, you seem like a healthy boy, not very developed, of course, but that's why you were chosen." (She smiled at her own joke.)

She asked, "Do you like your acting studies?"

I nodded then she said, "I think you are going to make a fine 'Tress'.

I see that you had some fainting spells when you arrived here. I want to make sure that you are getting the proper vitamins. I think that we should update your flu immunizations as well. The climate here can really get to you. I'll prepare a few small injections as well as get the nurse to fix the necessary vitamin pills."

"Injections...you mean like needles? Oh boy," I sighed sarcastically. Needles were really a 'pain in the backside', literally. In a few moments, Dr. Green was back carrying a small metal tray covered with a white cloth.

"I've got three injections here. They are intramuscular, so I'll try to find some places that won't be too uncomfortable. Trust me, they used to call me 'Dr. Painless' at Med School." The first needle didn't seem too big. I was surprised when she started rubbing an alcohol-soaked cotton